It's here finally, photos of my December Daily. I am exactly 3 months late but oh well. Through out the month I will plan on posting pictures of each day that we are on, today is March 1st, so the photos are from the album's day 1. I didn't bother taking photos of the journaling page, didn't think they would take very clear and they wouldn't be that interesting to most, so for now it's just pictures of the embellished pages.

In the last photo here you'll see the tea bag wrapper, that's what I was drinking a lot of through out the month of December - I figured it was note worthy.

I am going to keep these posts short, no need for a long drawn out explaination. There are a few photos coming later that I'll mention bits & pieces about, but this is it for the most part.
Hope you have a wonderful day...enjoy!
Until tomorrow....just B ________!