Monday's Gratitude Practice

Hello Hello
Welcome Back!
I am on day 2 which was Monday for me, of my Gratitude Practice. This is the start of my page/day, I forgot to mention what I will do with this negative film strip... honestly I'm not sure just yet but maybe inspiration will strike sometime within the week while I'm working on this. As for our Monday, lets take a look.
I had to work Monday and quite early I might add. I am technically part-time but it sure doesn't seem like part-time most days...anyways because my day starts so early I usually take a bit of a cat nap when I get home so that I can make it through dinner and then the remainder of our evening. So here is a photo of our couch and the warm, fuzzy blanket that always lays on it and I can't tell you how grateful I am to have both of these things, not only for my after work cat naps but most certainly on movie nights with my girls, those are the best.
Here is a close up of my Gratitude list from Monday and remember it is including some things from the second photo from our day which is on the back side of the page.
Here's my journal spot and it just highlights some bits and pieces from throughout our Monday, this time I am trying to grasp the whole of our family not just my perspective although it is all written 'from' my perspective.
The journaling from our Monday does include some details from the girls' day and both my husband's and my day. It helps me when documenting projects like this because my husband and I both work at the same company and on the same shift. Now granted we hardly ever 'see' each at work because unless we just happen to end up on a break together we are not allowed to be in the same pit together. But how cool is that? As I said it makes documenting from his perspective a little easier because I know his job as well as my own.
Here is the second photo from our day and looking at it now I am realizing just now that I oughta get the girls or my husband to tell me what else to capture through the lens this week or else all the photos will be purely from my perspective, which is okay but I'd rather it be from our family as a whole. 
**This is where I add in my mental note** I'll have to make sure I ask for their advice and input for the remainder of our week so that I can get their perspective as accurate as possible.

So there you have it and thanks for your help, I appreciate it, even though you did it unbeknownst to you. Hope you are inspired to question your own daily blessings that maybe don't get the recognition that they deserve and then jot them down somewhere.
I have it on good authority that if we make a habit of this 'gratitude practice' then we will invite more Joy into our lives which will certainly affect our everyday and who can't afford more JOY on a daily basis?
That's what I thought...that's why I am 'practicing gratitude'!
I want more JOY in my everyday...
care to join me?

Thanks for stoppin' in
just B


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