Got Art?

 Good Day Everyone!
Hope all of you out there are having a great week.  Today I want to share with you a project I have done a few times over the years and's one of those very involved kind that take a lot of time and effort so I tend to like the completed version rather than the very long process of actually doing it.  The reason I do these Pain-in-the-A** types of projects.....? well because I do believe they have a ton of value.

So anyways this year as Ali was kicking off her Week in the Life project (a series that she does every year) I thought about whether or not I even wanted to participate this year and if so to what extent, what I came up with was unusual to say the least but.....I totally loved the process and came away with a greater amount of understanding.  A better understanding of myself and a different outlook on my passion for all things creative....what I realize is that I don't like to follow the rules....I never have (which is why "traditional" scrapbooking is so difficult for me); also along with all the cool 'new' stuff that's available, I enjoy playing around with 'lost things'.....(as Tinker Bell would say) so within my Art Journal you will find lots of 'things' that appear to have gotten lost within my pages and I have to tell you....this is probably one of the coolest looking minis I have done for myself in awhile.  So for the next few days I will be sharing with you my unusual take on Ali's 'week in the life' project and show you the Art Journaling pages that I created throughout the week.

 First up...Monday
 trying my hand at some collage, I like the look but I'm not very good at it.....Yet.
I used a decorative border punch along the bottom of each page and also stamped the day & the date to each layout as well.
 In this layout the 'lost things' are....cheese cloth and medical tape
on this I also used a couple of new things: the bicycle stamp, the red spray, a template, and liquid pearls

I really like this layout with it's tone on tone coloring, wasn't sure what it would turn out like but I think it's fairly cool.  The main goal of this project for me was to just play and experiment, see if I could make something out of a whole lot of stuff.  The underlining lesson I learned is that it's OK to play and that I should do it more often as a battery recharge to my inspiration, felt totally free by the end of the week to just do whatever makes me happy and I LIKE that feeling.  Especially when it's about creativity....isn't that why we call it ART?

just B.....creatively free


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