Art Journal

Thursday's Creation
 Of course I had to include my paint samples and just to give you an idea of how old these are, I picked them up when I was pregnant with my oldest daughter, she is 6.
 Of course I also had to include the date, I like having a common element throughout, especially when a mini is so random, such as this one.
 Then of course I had to include something totally unexpected, I really like the texture that these ringed eyelets brought to the entire book, much less to the page itself.
 Last but not least of course I had to include a quote that I love.  Quote reads: "to be all that is possible, we must attempt the impossible. to be all that we can be, we must dream of being more."
And there you have it, Thursday's art page....hope you like it and are inspired to try something creative yourself...
thanks for peeking...until next time....
just B


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