Our First Few Days of December Daily

Hello Hello
Finally I have a few December Daily pages photographed and ready to share, these pages are from the first few days of December. The way that I went about setting up my pages is as follows:
a Kraft card stock page with the date followed by either a pattern paper or a lined paper, the 3 ring binder is a Ditto product that I have had in my stash for a while.
So my album starts with our calendar of Events (which I have a lot to fill in still) and also reminds me of what is happening with the Advent calendar which is a new tradition that I have started this year (more on that later). Plus this page gives me a spot to jot down all the ideas that may come up throughout the season that maybe I want to remember and use for next year's Advent activities.
My December 1st actually starts on the right side on the Kraft card stock, my photos this year I am doing using Instagram because it is so much easier for me to remember to use my phone camera rather than drag out my DSLR and then processing them through IG's app I can get something I like fairly quickly, upload it to Drop Box and then have it automatically on our desk top to print off 
So far this has kept me up-to-date, not blog wise but that's a whole other issue...lol. Also thus far all of my photos that I am using I am printing in either a  4 x 4 size or a 3 x 3 size, only one has been a 4 x 6.
This year I am also attempting to use less 'stuff' and focus more on the photos, I have done more of a journal type within some of the pages as you will see but I really like and want the photos.
I am also using screen shots to help me tell our daily story, so if it's an email or an IG photo that speaks to me or something else entirely I can still incorporate it into our album. I have lots of digital printable items too that I have on back up just in case say for one day I don't take as many photos as normal I will have something to fill in those gaps.
Quite honestly though everything and anything goes, that is the best thing about this project I actually use my everyday items (ephemera) that collect throughout the day and add them right in.
So above we can see the end of day 2 and then the start of day 3, on day 2 I included in the pocket the top of the packaging from some craft item I had picked up and then on day 3 I have lets see:
a screen shot of an email from the Principle of my daughter's school, I also have a screen shot of my Pandora stations and highlighted is the one we were listening to that day, and then I also included a couple of tags from some new dress shirts that my husband received for his birthday several weeks ago that I just now got around to (which is a job in and of it's self). 
Here is a close up of the package top from the craft item we used from our Advent calendar.
And here is the close up of the tags that I kept from my husband's new dress shirts.
 Here I included a piece from my blog dashboard and printed it off also I added another piece from one of the dress shirts and wrapped it around the whole page
 On the left I have the girls working on some Christmas crafts because in our Advent activities it had Christmas crafts as our daily celebration. Then on the right I included the sheet of paper that my five year old was practicing tracing letters that her older sister had written out for her.
 On the back side of that same sheet of paper my five year old was practicing writing her name. I kept the bag from my banana nut bread from Starbucks and then used it to keep some other pieces, including my inventory cards that I use for my Etsy shop - since I donated five scrapbooks to the Elementary School I didn't need those to be in with the rest so I added them in here.
 Just a close up
As you can tell I am a huge fan of the square photos, I may regret it later but I was brave enough to even include a selfie...crazy! The envelope on this page has my older daughter's lines from her 3rd grade music concert on it plus a few photos from the concert. 
 Of course I also had to include my Starbucks goodies because well...you know
 Here is a page that is more journal based and I plan to do this a least a few more times throughout the album.
 On the back side of the journaling I included my favorite photos from my daughter's music concert then on the opposite page I went to smaller square photos so that I could fit them on the page and have a bit of 'white' space. These types of albums can get really busy so I like just having a few simple pages.
 Here is an example, just my oldest daughter decorating her Christmas tree and then the final outcome of her beautiful decorations.
 From the opposite side hiding underneath my Persnickety Prints Christmas Card Sample is my one and only 4 x 6 photo of our baby, Miss Siren although she is only about 8 months I think she may be the size of a small horse.
One more simple page of my youngest daughter decorating her Christmas tree as well and then her final piece which was about the third time through taking all the ornaments off and then 'decorating it again'...lol

So there it is, the beginning of our December Daily!
thanks for taking a peek and enjoy your own celebrations of the season.
just B


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