For Today
Outside my window the sun is shining hot and heavy and there must be a bit of a breeze for I can see my neighbor's trees swaying just a bit
I am thinking that my 'to-do' list is way to long to get it accomplished today
I am thankful for not being to worried about NOT getting that 'to-do' list done
from the kitchen peanut butter and apple butter sandwiches, with cinnamon apple sauce and lays potato chips...milk to drink
I am wearing my pajamas still or my equivalent of pj's
I am creating quite a mess in my house what with summer coming to an end rather quickly and trying to get all the little projects done
I am going to bed early tonight if it kills me
I am reading The Rose Garden by Susanna Kearsley and am totally engrossed (hence the reason for the 'to-do' list not getting done)
I am hearing both of my girls: one is playing with our puppy and the other is still keeping me company while we finish our lunch
Around the house there is work to be done: laundry, vacuuming, dusting, etc. - doubtful it'll all get done this week
One of my favorite things is a fresh pot of coffee and a really good book, it can make me really unproductive or is that just considered lazy?
A few plans for the rest of the week that darn 'to-do' list and most likely some more reading
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