Altered Sling Bags

Hello Hello

How about I share an altered sling bag with you all just real quick. I picked these blank fabric sling bags up at JoAnns a few years ago. When I got them I was thinking that they would be good for my girls to take in the car when we go up to my in-laws (it's about an hour drive).

But they were a bit plain so I had to give 'em a little something. I grabbed a couple of the iron-on embroidery pieces, a package of iron-on peace signs, and some pink iron-on nail heads - along with clear iron-on gems. I don't know about you but I'll take the iron-on any day over the sew-on, of course sew-on usually lasts longer, but with a couple of girls is it really going to matter in about 4 months? Not one opted for the easiest way.

When I got home I rummaged through my ribbons and flowers and came up with a few more embellishments to add on. For the ribbon I used the heat & bond trim, and then for the flowers I used my glue gun. So far, several months later, all of my adhesives seem to be holding their own.

So there you have it, a kid friendly travel bag. Besides being able to make it their own (there are ton of iron-ons to choose from) they can also fill it up with a few of their favorite things. My oldest daughter likes to pretend it's her teacher bag; so she has it full of crayons & pencils as well as a few little notebooks to write in and some stickers to 'hand out as prizes'. I think my youngest squirt had me hang it on her wall...because mommy made it just for her so she wants to "keep it safe"...bless her heart.

Well I hope you like this idea and give it a go, as I said...keep it nice & easy and they will love it. Thanks!

just B


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