December Daily 21-23

Hello Hello
We're here again, the third time for today but I've got promises to keep and well I've almost come full circle, so here are a few more pages of my December Daily that I just never seem to finish on time - as if there were a dead line right? Anyways
December 21st - the Nutcracker!!!
 So the 21st was mostly dedicated to documenting our Ballet adventure to The Nutcracker. When I was 8 years old this was my mother's gift to me, taking me to see The Nutcracker, and so this year that was her present to my family as well as my older brother's family, tickets for all of us to go see the performance together.
Again for obvious reasons I am so glad that I was able to document this holiday season within the December Daily project, so many wonderful blessings and I don't ever want to take them for granted. One day soon I need to write out this story and what it meant to me that my mom would do this for my family.
Also for today I included some photos of my Christmas Cactus in bloom. There was a time that I thought I lost this beauty but somehow between my stubbornness and her determination, she has survived to fill me with gratitude once again at all the beauty that surrounds us daily if we take the time to notice.
For the end of day 21 I threw in some random pieces once again to fill in the spaces, eventually I will go back in and do some more journaling.
For December 22 I didn't have much to go on by way of photos or story, being that I had to work up until Christmas Day I didn't get a whole lot documented so I added in what I could and recorded bits and pieces in my calendar the best I could but to no avail. Admittedly it's sorely missing important points within our holiday season but eventually I'm hoping those details will be recalled so that I can go back in and add them.
Again just filling in some blank spaces with the few bits and pieces I did remember to hold onto.
Love this image of Santa, maybe checking his list twice? so I added it in. I also thought to include some more screen shots of things that were catching my attention because I just never know where that 'eye candy' might lead, talk about inspiration, it's literally at the end of my
The ending of the day didn't hold much priority for me in the way of journaling I was tired and cranky from having to work extra over the holidays and so needless to say the journaling portion didn't get done. Maybe sometime soon I'll get it in there but if not - that's okay too I'm trying to remind myself of what I have gotten accomplished not what I have not done yet so I hope you are encouraged to finish whatever you deemed worthy of even starting because sometimes those are the ones that mean the most when they do get complete but remember not to beat yourself up if it doesn't all get done!
Thanks for being patient with me as I finish getting the last of these pages posted, I hope in the process of all of this you are inspired to just do it!
thanks again,
just B


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