Insta 'favorite' Gram
Hello Hello
How is everyone? If you're anything like me you're ready for some time off. Thank goodness for weekends, just wish vacation was within sight...
oh well
Today I wanted to share this layout that I created using one of my most favorite Instagram pics of my oldest daughter. It's rare these days that I get any decent shots of her because she's either moving way to fast or stickin' her tongue out at me. Kids...
In this layout what I was really happy with was the blingy mesh extra wide ribbon that I tuck in behind the whole layout, I wasn't sure if I would care for it or not but I really like how it turned out. It does however take it awhile to lay flat. Also rolling the paper is really cool not only does it add interest it helps create depth as do the flowers. I like how they pop out from all around that spot.
This layout also got several patterns which is certainly something I am still learning how to accomplish. Knowing what two or three will actually communicate well together takes time to get the hang of...I'm getting better ...but it's a slow process for me just because I don't do that many layouts period.
Anyhow I also like that I tucked the journal spot in a glassine bag so it's kinda there but not and being halfway tucked under the photo it helps keep the design rule of a triangle going, at least I think it does.
Alright well that's all I have for today, thanks for taking a peek and keep an eye out in the next couple of days because I'll be posting my newest 'crafty' piece...I think you're gonna like it.
Hope you have a fabulous weekend and enjoy!
just B