My 2009 Travel Album
Okay so here is what I have accomplished in the last few weeks, a simple travel album. I actually took this class @ Archivers about a week and a half ago and decided to use it for my weekend trip to St. Louis. I have the entire album done now, but @ the time of scanning into my computer, I had yet to do the journaling. Happy to actually have that done now too, so hope you enjoy flipping through the pages with me.
If you notice, I used to arrow sticker to point out St. Louis on the map, being that's where Liberty & I went.
I like the idea of taking some random shots, so this happens to be the bridge right before Columbia, MO. Traffic was surprisingly heavy that Friday, but then again 70 HWY always is anymore.
I like the calendar, but this had little journaling done on it. Not sure if I'll go back and write in more or not, I'm thinking probably not.
Did all of the photos for the album in black & white for the simple fact that it doesn't disturb the rest of the color scheme that the paper already has going on. I really like these papers, which is really why I took the class, but of course now I just have this cool album, with cute pics like the one above.
One this journaling card, made to look like a postcard, I filled the whole thing in and really like that it gives a feeling of being 'somewhere else'.
Just a cool quote, "You don't have to travel far to enjoy the moment". That is so true, I like even short road trips, just a chance to get away from the everyday, if only for a moment. That is what we did and I loved it.
One of my favorite photos, me with that sweet little baby boy! I could've held William all weekend and it would have been perfect. But being about 5 months pregnant myself, my body & baby had other things in mind, so I held him for whatever time I could manage. It's interesting, I had forgotten how different a baby baby is, compared to my 3 1/2 year old I'm use to climbing all over me. That's not something you think you'd ever forget, but after being with this little guy, I am remembering things and I am even more excited about being able to relax & really just enjoy the whole experience this second time around.
The whole weekend was just great, for the most part the girls really got along and the few tiffs they had were resolved fairly quickly. The photos are a great reminder and I think that I will enjoy this album several years from now when the girls are older and we can go back and look at how far we all have come. My only wish is that Tami & I lived closer to each other so that the girls could grow up together, but thankfully we don't live any further away, so I'll try to keep that in mind when I start having withdrawls. : ))
Our last day there and boy was it a good one. Tami & Aisling took Liberty & I to the 'Magic House' and oh my goodness, this place is AWESOME. Next time we visit St. Louis we will be going back there, definitely! We spent about 2 hours there and I don't think that we made it through half of it, but that didn't even seem to phase the girls, they were just having a great time. If I had had more room in the album, I would have added more photos from here, but you still get the idea, the smiles on their faces pretty much says it all.
Well we are @ the end of the album, hope you have enjoyed what I have done. As I said earlier, it is totally complete and I am happy with it, I think it was worth the money for the class just so that I could have something to look back on and say, 'yeah that was a fun trip'.
Next week I probably won't be posting much, for the simple fact that I haven't done much. So my goal is to get some layouts done and then get them posted the following week. So until then take care and thanks for looking!
just B