The inspiration for my trip down memory lane came when I did a clear album about two months ago @ Archivers. I had taken the first class called 'Totally Clear Acrylic Album Workshop' and was hooked, in fact I made that particarlar one my 'wedding album' and so when I signed up for this class I took an inventory of what I already had done in the past and from there figured out what was missing from my 'collection'. Being that T is so much apart of my life that was the obvious answer, make this album about our lifelong friendship. This album has been an interesting journey and an eye-O-pening one too. First of all it has taken me forever to complete it for the simple fact that I was not prepared at all. For those of you that don't scrap, clear albums are the 'IN' right now but in order to do it you literally have to have all your ducks in a row so to speak, but you can't work in order by pages because of the way it will actually show through being that it's clear so; me not being prepared with photos and papers all cropped and ready to go was a mistake and thus took me twice as long. Second of all, finding enough pictures to fill the album was a huge challenge. Although T & I have years under our belt there are not a lot of photos with us together, usually one of us is taking a photo of the other then we flip-flop, so I have lots of photos of her and lots of photos of me, doesn't quite work. Anyhow I was able to come up with a solution for my problem, where there are suppose to be photos I put journaling instead and I think it has turned out wonderful, some photos and the story. Yeah!
So below I have included some photos of the album that I made to celebrate this awesome and amazing friendship that T & I have built over the last 2 decades. I do apologize for the photos being so dark, I'm still trying to figure out where the best place is to take them for posting, so bare with me one day I'll find the right spot. ; )