Floral Junker **commission**

Hello Hello
Just a quick share of a junker I made last year for a commission. The request was for a pink floral theme junk journal that would be similar to an A6 so we agreed a 4 x 5 would fit the bill nicely. Hopefully I have created said piece for this special customer, who has thus since requested a second similar junker. 
First I used a stencil for the floral motif on the cover then used a dry brush with metallic paint to add a light shimmer over top to help it stand out.  Along the spine I added a crochet trim that had a ribbon woven through the middle of it, together with the focal point on the cover, they create a lovely romantic feel and set the tone for the entire piece, love the pink and cream.
There are four signatures and if I remember correctly ten pages each. Each signature is different however, some of the papers are repeated. I must say I loved working with the pink, not only is it romantic, it's classic
On the inside cover I included a metal label holder for a title or a date
All the pages are tea-dyed and on this one I threaded a metallic twine down the side of the page where it was originally bound
Here you can see I added a pull out journal spot that tucks into the envelope, I like using envelopes as pages, they add such an interesting and interactive element 
On this page I had an idea to add in a hidden photo tuck and I have to say I am rather pleased on how it turned out, the pink tassel you see hanging down is the access point
Funny enough I would have to study my own pictures in order to recreate this element in another journal but it would be worth it because it adds such a cool feature
And the photo spot is double sided because the whole piece is a flip up
Within this journal I also added several random dangling pieces, here I added a square tab and then an eyelet in the tab to hang a beaded chain from it, honestly just for fun
On this page I have another flip up, this time it's a tag
On the back side of the tag I added a mini pocket to tuck in a tiny note
This page I created a top loading pocket and included a hidden journal spot, not sure if it's clear in this photo but I took a regular size sheet of notebook paper, folded it in half and then stitched up each side to create the pocket
Here I am showing just a few of the kinds of papers I included
Another of the top loading pocket page, this one with a cut out to create another window
More of the papers that have been tea-dyed and a few that have been stitched
This page I created as a slash pocket with stitching and included a word search puzzle 
On this page I added a corner tuck spot but that tuck also has a hidden journal spot underneath, which really isn't so hidden since it has the lift tab attached
Here you can see a close up of that hidden spot I created with the corner tuck
This page was purely for decoration, I love how it turned out! One day I will do it again but have January on the facing page instead of just randomly placed
This page I added in a new but empty tea bag as a small tuck pocket then included a tag complete with another bead chain
Some more of the pages with another slash pocket that has the stitching
Another word search puzzle page tucked into the pocket
And finally the end with butterflies donning the back cover.

This is all I have for today, I hope this inspires some of you and feeds your creativity.
Thanks for taking time   
just B


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