Easter Adventures
How is everyone today??? I am good...preparing myself for a wet, rainy kind of day so....I'm going to try my hardest not to get lazy today.
Well just in time for Easter I want to share a project I did last year for my mother-in-law.
I kept the main colors bright to match her personality - which is usually bright & cheery (she is just fun to be around-puts you in a good mood kinda way) where as I normally tend to work in neutral colors mostly and so doing this mini was a bit far fetched for me but I liked it and found that I was happy while working on it, so I may have to try working with bright colors again.
As for the layout of the pages I kept them all the same, meaning photos on the left side and embellished ones on the right. I think that it turned out pretty cute.
I did reach for some unconventional items such as cheese cloth and wax paper for this one - I like using items that are outside of the norm because I think that it always keeps me thinking about what else there is laying around that can be used too.
For instance in the past I have used coke can tabs, I have used the metal lids from the frozen juice cans, any kind of packaging that you find interesting - for me that would be 7 gypsies packaging, and I think I have also used those twist ties that you get with garbage bags and the plastic tabs that you sometimes get with certain types of bread. So that's something to keep in mind - any way or any how you can recycle do it within your scrap projects.
As for the paper collection...well it's old...actually ancient by scrap book standards and I seriously doubt that anyone would still have it but that doesn't mean you can't find anything just as cute - there is always something new out that would work great for a project like this I just really wanted to use something I already had.
So in this ^ ^ this ^ ^ photo
you can see where I used the wax paper...I used two sheets and in between I added the black diamond pattern paper then I sewed it all together and used it as part of my background, not sure what possessed me to do this but I liked the end result so....I went with it.
Oh and I did this for every embellished page background except I used a different pattern paper in between some of them.
So this is it...my Easter mini from last year....I'm thinking I might have to do another one this year only because I did enjoy working with those bright colors so much and I'll have a couple extra photos to add to ours this year. Truth be told that is what prompted me to post this early - our HOA did an early Easter Egg Hunt for all the kiddos in the neighborhood this past Sunday which was super fun and I it got lots of peeps out and about....it was nice....and so inspiring!
So here's to inspiration!!!
Thanks everyone for sharing a bit of your day with me - hope you come & take another peek soon.
just B.....
Thanks everyone for sharing a bit of your day with me - hope you come & take another peek soon.
just B.....