Current Project
Well as of two weeks ago, this is what I was working on. I had bought the 'ribbon ring' system about a year ago when I saw it in Creating Keepsakes magazine and totally loved it, but when I received it in the mail, I was at a loss as to how it would be used. As you can see from the picture above the plastic pieces have a hole and that is where the book ring goes through, then it is to be hung onto something. I tried first to use magnetic hooks on my dry/erase board, but if I got to many ribbons on it they would eventually slide off from the weight; so I had to come up with something different.
I was cleaning the house one afternoon and in the nursery I have several peg holders for the fabric art, and it dawned on me that this would be the perfect solution to my problem. So I grabbed this peg board @ my local craft store and tried doing a weathered wood look, the red paint that I used as the bottom coat doesn't show through as much as I had hoped it would, but that was probably user error on my part. But being that I'm trying to adapt new philosophies to my life, instead of getting frustrated, I went with it and hung it up anyways. Surprisingly enough once I got the word 'create' on it (that being the same red as the base coat) it helped bring out the red under tone much better and now that it is up and doing it's job that I intended for it, I love it and am really happy that I went this route.
Now the hard part was sorting through all of my bags and bags of ribbon, but I love the convenience of having the majority of them out to see. I still have some sorting to do - as you can every well see, but the project has been set in motion, so that is a very good thing. Also having them out, it makes it easier to remember to use ribbon in my projects but also to match the ribbon to whatever I'm currently working on. Eventually I hope to have all my colors sorted by warm & cool, then neutrals, and then finally specialty ribbons. Now just whenever I get to feeling better (I've been down now for 3 days with severe lower back pain) hopefully I can get some more 'fun' work done to share with you.
Thanks for checking in!
Have a great day & enjoy this wonderful weather if you can!
just B