December Daily

Hello Hello
Just wanted everyone to know that I am trying desperately to get my posts up-to-date, I have been working on my December Daily religiously these last few weeks, and you may notice I even added a new page tab just for that project.  My reading has finally had to take a back seat - at least until after the holidays because I have been uncomfortably busy with not only the DD album but also with mini books and this super Christmas banner that I made for our home this year-plus I still would like to get our 2012 Christmas ornaments done...if there is even more time beyond that I wouldn't mine adding a bit more 'Stuff' to our Christmas tree (it's a little sad looking so far).  So as I say I have been well...preoccupied but eventually I will get all of these thoughts & projects posted for all of you to see.  

Here's a little something to take a peek at.  This is just a few of the mini books I've made this season - 2 or 3 others have already been given to their new families. And by-the-way I have actually been doing a lot of Instagram lately as well...this just so happens to be one of the pics I uploaded about a week ago.  I am in love with this app, it is just plain....FUN and not 'plain' in the least which is why it is so fun.  This is how it works, you take a regular photo with your phone camera then upload a copy of it to Instagram then select from a number of different filters to alter the original image into something totally different or you could just go straight to the Instagram app and take a new picture from it and then do the same thing, pick a filter and alter the way it looks.  Later when you upload your cell phone photos to your home computer or laptop you can also upload all of your Instagram processed photos to print later.  You all should try it seriously-it's cool and you don't even have to have the iPhone, I use it with my Samsung smart phone and it works great.

Alright well for the time being this is all I got!

Hope you all are having a wonderful time this holiday season
enjoying the time spent with family & friends!
thanks for stopping in...have a Merry day
just B


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